Carers Allowance

Carer’s Allowance is a taxable benefit to help people who look after someone who is ill or disabled.

The Carer does not have to be related to, or live with, the person that they care for.

You will only be eligible for one allowance even if you care for more than one disabled person

If you have savings or other forms of income you may still be eligible to receive an allowance but  working income will be taken into account when calculating how much you might receive .If you work you can only get Carer's Allowance if your earnings after deductions are below a threshold.

Please Note - Even if you will not be eligible to receive of the any means tested element of the allowance, by making a claim you will establish an "underlying entitlement" to Carer's Allowance. . It may also enable you to access other grants or enhanced support.

In order to qualify, the Carer must meet the following rules:

  • The Carer must be aged 16 or over
  • Care for someone for at least 35 hours a week
  • The person that they care for must receive a qualifying disability benefit
  • If they work, they C
  • They must not get one of a list of other benefits
  • They must be living in the UK when the claim is made
  • Must not be a full-time student

A Carer may also be able to get the Carer Premium - an extra amount of money included
in the calculation of Income Support, income based Job Seekers’ Allowance, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit. An amount equivalent to the Carer Premium is used to calculate Pension Credit..

For further information and eligibility criteria contact:


The Carer’s Allowance Unit
Disability and Carers Service
Department for Work & Pensions
Palatine House
Lancaster Road
Tel: 03456 084321
Text Phone: 0845 6045 312


n.b. The benefits system is constantly changing so the above is only intended to raise awareness of the support that you may be able to access- seek professional advice if you plan to make a claim





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