Articles in Category: Menu Items

Strategic Planning

on Wednesday, 31 July 2013. Posted in Menu Items

Planning for Better Services

Planning for services for people with learning disabilities is built around some key principles:

  • needs must be identified
  • service users/carers must be involved
  • different local conditions must be recognized
  • different agencies and groups must work in partnership
  • services and resources must be directed at those with greatest needs
  • The Council and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board (the ‘Commissioners’) have the responsibility to decide on Strategic direction for Clinical Specialist Health provision within Cardiff and Vale

Parents can play a vital role in influencing the shape and level of services that carers and people with a learning disability are offered.

It is vital that parents are able to speak with one voice and ensure that they are listened to at all key planning forums- by lobbying and highlighting what is needed at ground level.

An essential consideration when reviewing or planning for new opportunities or services is that we ensure quality and safety. Care standards are paramount and the Social Services and Well Being Act  places duties upon local authorities to ensure that certain steps are taken

We recently had a 5 year strategy agreed by Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan councils and the local health board. You can read the draft version here

Codes of Practice and Statutory Guidance

Codes of practice provide guidance, backed by law, to help people and organisations work within the new framework created by an Act.

You can find links to the codes of practice issued under Section 145 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 below.

Local authorities must act in accordance with the codes of practice and their requirements when exercising their social services functions.

Commissioning Principles

New guidelines have been set out that should underpin the way that statutory bodies go about commissioning services for people with a Learning Disability or Autism. Two easy to follow documents have been published that give a clear overview of the aims of commissioning as well as explanations and examples of good practice to follow. Parent carers will find this information useful and it might help you if you find yourself having to advocate for your relative. Being able to refer to best practice when advocating for your child will strengthen your position!

Commissioning Guidance for People with Learning Disabilities - Market Position Statement Good Practice Checklist

Commissioning Services for People with a Learning Disability - Good Practice Guidance

Local Planning Groups

In addition to local or neighbourhood planning, a small number of cross county planning or advisory groups are supported. These will look at issues that are county wide such as health, disability, children and older people services that respond to statutory obligations.

These Planning structures are in the process of changing and some details are still undecided. Various networks and forums have an  opportunity to be represented on more than one group in order that ‘cross cutting’ issues can be addressed. Recommendations that are fed through this process should influence decision making at the overarching Health Board.

Joint Planning across Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan

In recent years, steps have been taken to promote the closer working of services for adults with a learning disability in both counties.

This is overseen by a single Operational Manager and service users and carers views are ensured by participation in a joint cross county strategic planning framework.

Cross county issues can be discussed here and initiatives or proposals that may benefit service users living in either county can be promoted.

Integrated Health & Social Care Board

Consisting of representatives from Health, Cardiff Council, the Vale of Glamorgan Council and the Voluntary sector, the Health and Social Care Board brings the partners together in making decisions on how to to design and implement integrated care to meet the needs of local people.

Cardiff and Vale Carers Support and Information Network Group (CSING)

The Cardiff and Vale CSING is an extension of the existing Vale CSING which has operated for some time. CSING aims to bring together a range of sectors, agencies and organisations providing services for carers and provide a forum for sharing information, promoting partnership working, sharing good practice and raising issues relating to services for carers and the cared for.

Planning structure for Learning Disability Services in Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan

Planning for services across the two counties has been streamlined in order to ensure that decisions can be better informed and involve all stakeholders.

An overarching Learning Disability Partnership Board consisting of senior representatives from Local Authorities and Health Boards make final decisions on polices and finances.

This Board is informed by a cross county Learning Disability Regional Decision Making Board that takes into account evidence drawn from several work stream groups that cover Strategy, Day Opportunities, Integrated Care Management plus Monitoring and Review.

This Board also takes evidence and recommendations into account from the  Learning Disabilities Partnership Group.

Parents and service users along with professionals, third sector providers and others contribute in this process and are actively involved in the Learning Disabilities Partnership Group that meets four times a year.

Cardiff & Vale Learning Disabilities Partnership Group (LDPG)

This group consists of representatives from across all areas of service provision including local authorities, health boards, service providers, third sector organisations, service users and carers.

The group considers strategic priorities, identifying gaps in current provision and highlights possible areas that need investment or attention.

Recommendations from the group feed into strategic planning decisions and influence future policy. This group is a key mechanism by which carers and families can have their views listened to and acted upon.

The group encompasses both Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Councils and informs the formal planning process in both counties.

The flowchart below might male things easier to understand:























Carers - More Information

Carers Hub

Carers Hub

Carers Hub

Throughout Cardiff there are many community Hubs where you can get a wide range of support and advice.


There is a Carers' specific Hub in the Vale as well that services carers from both counties

The Carers Trust are based there and you can get a wide range of information and support on issues that affect carers.

For more details look here


Financial Support

Financial Support

Carers and Pension

Caring for someone can have a devastating impact on Carers’ longer term pension and Carers need to be aware of their pensions as a result. To be eligible to receive a full basic State Pension, a person must have made a certain amount of National Insurance (NI) contributions towards it throughout their working life. If a person is unable to do this because they are caring for children or for a disabled, ill or frail adult, then the state will credit their contributions. However, this only happens if they claim the right benefits and take the right action.

For more information visit:

For advice and information on all aspects of caring contact:

Carers UK’s Adviceline on:
freephone 0808 808 7777 (Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am-12pm and 2pm - 4pm) or
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Other financial support

Looking after Someone, a complete guide to carers’ rights and benefits, is available from:

Carers UK Tel: 020 7378 4999

Carers UK’s helpline - speak to an advisor for a full benefits check by ringing the

Helpline on 0808 808 7777

Age Cymru has a huge amount of information on financial support for older people.

Call their free helpline on 08000 223444 or visit

The Pensions Advisory Service is an independent non-profit organisation that provides free information, advice and guidance on the whole spectrum of pensions, including state, company, personal and stakeholder schemes.

Call 0845 601 2923 or

Directgov is an excellent online source of information on benefits and pensions

Carers Direct also provides information on carers’ pensions and other aspects of caring:

Contact a Family Specialist Benefit Adviser

Tel: 0808 808 3555

Insight app - a great way to stay in touch and active

Insight app - a great way to stay in touch and active

The Innovate Trust has developed an easy to use app for you to download for free,

It allows families to keep in touch and their loved ones to participate in a wide range of activities and workshops



Disabled Persons (Services Consultation & Representation) Act 1986 section 8

This requires that, during an assessment of a disabled person, the ability of carers who provide substantial amount of care on a regular basis is taken into account.

Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995

This Act requires the social services authority (if so requested) to carry out a separate assessment of the carer (a “Carers’s assessment”) at the same time as it assesses the person for whom the care is provided.

The act applies both to adult and young carers regardless of the age of the person for whom they provide care.

It defines the carer as an individual who provides or intends to provide a substantial amount of care on a regular basis. For the purposes of the
Act the term carer includes people who may or may not be a relative, and who may or may not be living with the person for whom they are caring. The Act excludes volunteers who provide care as part of their work for voluntary organisations and anyone who is providing care by virtue of a contract of employment or any other contract. This would include anyone who is providing personal assistance for payment, either in cash or in kind.

Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000

This Act gives carers a ‘right’ to a carer’s assessment if they are aged over 16 years old and are providing or intending to provide regular and substantial care for someone aged over 18 years. Carers are entitled to an assessment even when the person they care for refuses to have an assessment or having had an assessment refuses to accept services.

It also includes the right for parents of children with disabilities to request an assessment

It provides the power to provide services for carers in their own right, following an assessment of their needs as well as the power to charge for those services.

The act introduced Direct Payments (i.e. cash instead of care) to parent carers, carers for their own services and young disabled people aged 16 and 17 years.

The Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004

This places a duty on social care to inform carers of their right to request a carer’s assessment. It also gives the provision for a local authority to
ask another statutory authority or body (such as housing, health, education and other local authorities) to assist in planning the provision of services to carers or to provide services that may enhance the carer’s ability to provide care. The other authority must give the request due consideration.

In relation to work, training education and leisure the Act amends both the Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995 and the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 by ensuring that carer’s assessments must include consideration of whether carers work, or wish to work, and are undertaking or wish to undertake, education, training or any leisure activity.

Work and Families Act 2006

The Work and Families legislation came in 2006, and allows carers of adults the same right to request flexible working as carers of children. Employers do not have to agree to the request, but must make a good business case if refused.

The Children and Young Persons Act 2008

This requires local authorities to make adequate arrangements for short break provision for Disabled Children. In addition the Welsh Assembly Government has a range of powers to inspect, regulate and issue statutory guidance in respect of local authority services under the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970, the Care Standards Act 2000 and the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003. It also has powers to direct the NHS under the National Health Services (Wales) Act 2006.

Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure

In January 2012 the Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure 2010 came into force. This legislation places a duty on the Local Health Boards to lead on preparing and implementing a carer’s information and consultation strategy. For Cardiff and the Vale the lead health Board is the University Health Board (UHB) who working in partnership with several stakeholders including, Vale Council, Cardiff Council, Vale Council for Voluntary Services (VCVS), Cardiff’s
Third Sector Council (C3SC), Third Sector representatives, Carers representatives and additional UHB services have began this work. At current a working group made up of the above have helped the UHB produce a draft outline of the strategy and what will be included.

Strategies will:

  • set out how information and guidance will be provided to carers, that will assist them in carrying out their caring role effectively; and
  • set out how carers will be consulted and involved in decisions affecting them and those they care for.

LHBs are designated as the ‘lead authority’ in the Regulations. They will be required to lead the work to develop and implement the Strategies, working in partnership with Social Services.

‘Carers and their rights: the law relating to carers’, published by Carers UK by Professor Luke Clements.

This fifth edition includes updates based on a number of statutory and case law developments since the last edition, implementation of the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004 and the Work and Families Act 2006, the impact of the Equality Act 2010 and coincides with the first tangible impacts of the Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure 2010.

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