Articles in Category: Children - Specific Health Conditions


on Thursday, 27 June 2013. Posted in Children - Specific Health Conditions

What is Dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia is a condition where the normal process of development of physical actions that
require co-ordination is delayed or disturbed, which is why it is also called Developmental
Co-ordination Disorder (DCD). It has also been called “Clumsy Child Syndrome”. It occurs in up to 1 in 10 of children and is more prevalent in boys than in girls.

It is often referred to as a hidden disability because there is no outward sign of the condition but can affect a child’s life, their confidence and learning. A child with dyspraxia
has difficulty with their gross motor skills (throwing, catching, running) and fine motor
skills (in particular handwriting). This can, for example, mean that the child finds getting
dressed or copying from the board very difficult.

Ability to take part in normal school and social life can be severely restricted and often leads to isolation, bullying, and irrational behaviour.

Dyspraxia is part of a group of conditions that includes dyslexia and ADHD.

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