Articles in Category: Carers' Support and Assessment

Young Carers

on Tuesday, 19 June 2018. Posted in Carers' Support and Assessment

Young Carers- the hidden ones

Many young people combine school and early life with caring for a parent, sibling or close relative. Very often they receive little or no support and have to cope in isolation, denied the tame and save they need as a young person for their own development.

There are many schemes and services available but accessing them can be difficult

The YMCA in Cardiff are working across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan to identify these hidden carers in order to be able to offer them the support and assistance that they need.

If you know of a young carer please contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone her on 07807 084202

Being a sibling of a Disabled child

The siblings of a disabled child may also face difficulties and challenges arising from the families' inevitable focus upon the needs of their disabled brother or sister. In addition to the informal caring role that they may take on within the family they also face many possible disadvantages. have produced an excellent guide to some of these issues. Please follow this link 

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